You’re missing out if you’re not using a token economy [For ASD parents]

There are many advantages to using a token economy with your child with autism. Token economies help you to shape your child’s behavior by providing quick and motivating reinforcers. If done at home and on a limited scale, they can be easily and economically implemented. Additionally, your child’s participation in your token economy can help…

ABA basics for parents with kids with autism: The Discrete Trial (DTT)

Perhaps you recently got an autism diagnosis and are seeking funding for services. Alternatively, you may have just started services and are learning more about how Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) works. Either way, one of the most basic, evidence-based teaching practices that ABA leverages is Discrete Trial Training (DTT). You may see your ABA therapist…

HOW TO: Reinforce desired behavior in children with autism (part 1)

Studies have shown that positive reinforcement is as effective, if not more effective, than punishment. When using punishment, you run the risk of accidentally encouraging problem behavior and damaging the parent/caregiver and child relationship. Reinforcement is a beneficial alternative. Reinforcement, as we’ll refer to it here, is defined as an action one takes to increase…